What is Redis?

Redis (Remote dictionary server) is an in-memory, key-value database, commonly referred to as a data structure server. It’s also an example of a NoSQL database.

Why Redis?

Redis offers a structured way to store data in memory. Since everything is in memory, its reads and writes are really fast. It’s mainly used for caching purpose like a memcache. Optionally, data can be persisted by snapshot or by periodic copy to disks. Due to its persistence capabilities, Redis can also be used as a datastore.

Key features?

  • Speed: Redis stores the whole dataset in primary memory that’s why it is extremely fast with average read or write operations taking less than a millisecond and support for millions of operations per second.

  • Persistence: Redis supports both point-in-time backups (copying the Redis dataset to disk) and creating an Append Only File (AOF) to store each data change to disk as it is written.

  • Data Structures: Redis supports a variety of data structures such as strings which can be text or binary data up to 512MB in size, hashes, sets, lists, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.

  • High availability and scalability. Redis offers a primary-replica architecture in a single node primary or a clustered topology. This allows you to build highly available solutions providing consistent performance and reliably. When you need to adjust your cluster size, various options to scale up, scale in or out are also available. This allows your cluster to grow with your demands.

  • Supported Languages: Redis supports a lot of languages: Python, Java, PHP, Perl, Go, Ruby, C/C#/C++, JavaScript, Node.js.

Looking for a good Redis GUI client for Mac? Try TablePlus

For those who prefer using a GUI tool for Redis, TablePlus offers a GUI tool for you to view, edit, and manage your Redis database on Mac. You can also connect and manage multiple Redis databases on multiple servers simultaneously.

Redis GUI Client

Redis Client Black

Redis query Editor

TablePlus is available for free. You can download TablePlus here.