We are under DDoS attack and we do nothing

We’re under DDoS attack Someone has been attempting to DDoS us for weeks now. They have flooded our server with hundreds of millions of requests and attempted to download our setup file millions of times. (In the last 5 days alone, they tried to download it more than 800K times - our setup file is approximately 200MB per download.) Most...
Design mini tools, forms, charts, live boards using TablePlus

Requirements Download and install TablePlus, TablePlus is available for macOS, Windows, Linux, and iOS. Create a database connection Database example script using PostgreSQL syntax that will be used in this blog. CREATE TABLE public.products (id int,name text,price int,created_at timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id)); CREATE TABLE public.users (id int,name text,created_at timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id)); CREATE TABLE public.orders (id int,product_id int,user_id int,created_at timestamp,...
Call functions or procedures using in TablePlus

1. How to call fuctions, procedures in GUI using TablePlus variable feature. TablePlus does not have GUI for function and procedure, however it supports variables which is similar to the feature in MySQL Workbench. We can enable it in the SQL Query settings. Now, we can write query with template, for example, we can now call the function CALL GetAllProducts(:category,...
We redesigned TablePlus Windows

The evolution We started TablePlus Windows two years ago and here is the first version. And here is it now We also added many new features Tabbed mode Status color Auto limit query TablePlus plugin system We will release new updates frequently, so to get notified of what’s new, follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/TablePlus Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tableplusapp.