Version 6.4.2 (600) - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 21 March 2025.
SHA: 9ab9be701020c7f8271d9387e3e4c190ec8c6dcf8f02e20ed2531e27a5b645b6
- Added “Copy Name” menu in Database Listing.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not search within results when the result contained more than one column with the same name.
- Supported editing query results from JOIN queries and other queries.
- Fixed a bug in the formatter where it didn’t work on incomplete queries or queries containing syntax errors.
- Added a database filter to the process list/running queries.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong color appeared in settings.
- Fixed a bug where custom tag colors were not saved.
- [ClickHouse] Supported Int128, UInt128, Int256, and UInt256.
- [DuckDB] Updated to version 1.3.0.
- Shortcut Key: Cmd + Shift + D to split the screen on the right.
- And many other bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.3.2 (586) - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 18 February 2025.
SHA: 73d6c0d1b5b22d2e67e1d68b86ebf2260ba219b617991d7cf7216e409fa88309
- New Welcome Screen UI.
- Added support for back and forward navigation.
- Added support for splitting the workspace horizontally.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 578 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 17 December 2024.
SHA: 3850f073869024f66a9a0a443b193d204e0d5dde91f3a2ed0db3050eab4ab994
- Fixed a bug where users couldn’t trigger line commands.
- Beautify now displays an error instead of doing nothing when errors occur.
- Updated the SQL Query Ruler layout: removed the separator and increased the line number size.
- Updated the layout of the welcome screen.
- [DuckDB] Use main as the default schema.
- [DuckDB] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not display UUID, Struct, and HugeInt values.
Build 576 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 24 November 2024.
SHA: de3b708d6318e462900d42e8077a255c8e77513a4e480656d8ab8452182e4274
- Fixed a bug where the metrics board object did not work with multiple statements.
- Improved the beautify feature and fixed various SQL beautification bugs.
- [DuckDB] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not load decimals.
- [DuckDB] Updated to version 1.1.3.
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip on the title bar.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 574 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 9 October 2024.
SHA: c283490caa6b13d89409ddb7557bc32ccc3bcf936151da33cabb0f55811370ab
- [MySQL] Added SNI support.
- [PostgreSQL] Added support for disabling channel binding.
- [PostgreSQL] Added PostgreSQL 17 binaries.
- [SQLite] Updated SQLite to version 3.46.1.
- [DuckDB] Updated DuckDB to version 1.1.1.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 570 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 11 September 2024.
SHA: a4b466cf502cdcd54c95cb636dd69a0b3355b72140196cc7ec10591f6edb875a
- Fixed a bug where float values in JSON were sometimes rounded.
- Allowed export/import of the metrics board with an empty password.
- Fixed URL schema for Mongo, SQLite, DuckDB, and CloudflareD1.
- Updated toolbar icons.
- Supported deep linking for row level.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Build 568 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 5 July 2024.
SHA: 6af8c2a71145cd7e885146d3bccca8686b66b9c655e7dbd1b964caf38633e4e2
- [DuckDB] Support schema.
- [MySQL] Fixed quote in statistics query.
- [Layout] Fixed a bug where the right sidebar contents were mark red.
- Added a reconnect button in the SQL Query disconnect popup.
- Fixed a bug where the table couldn’t be detected when the user edite SQL Query content.
- Fixed pretty JSON where float values are modified.
- Fixed copy/export JSON with trailing zero values.
- Fixed some potential crash bugs and made other improvements.
Build 562 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 14 June 2024.
SHA: b52b5db1a32d7a7869d2d3ceced98d4f5cf35016d04516bdb1a6cb43adf24aab
- [DuckDB] Added DuckDB.
- [OpenAI] Disabled ChatGPT view by default. You have to enable it again in the app settings.
- [Layout] Updated selection style in the app.
- And minor bug fixes and improvements.
Build 558 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 31 May 2024.
SHA: a813027ef599631f91347eff2ddee224bdbfdb8668cb86f8c7000753be9cea63
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus would crash when a user selects a row containing medium text.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus would freeze when opening a large SQL file.
Build 556 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 20 May 2024.
SHA: 01eb1871325bae3d4df05a8d1786a85a8ae451022aa9d050a18a1b98c86869e4
- Enabled auto-restore for recently closed workspaces by default.
- TablePlus will not clear the error marker in a query until you modify the query or re-run it.
- Updated Assistant layout, supporting custom prompts.
- Fixed many UI glitches in full-screen mode.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus did not show custom tags when creating a new connection for Oracle/ClickHouse/MongoDB.
- Fixed a bug where opening a workspace in a separate window may not work in full-screen mode.
- Fixed a bug where users could not chain multiple inputs in the metrics board.
- Fixed a bug where restored workspaces could be merged if they have the same connection and the same database.
- Fixed many crash bugs and code drawing issues on macOS Sonoma.
Build 550 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 20 April 2024.
SHA: ef1343a9f281fc24d071af976239f4225c623e4db731957508cd7b175fc6ff28
- [D1] Added Cloudflare D1.
- [SQLite] Upgrade to version 3.44.2
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus close function/sequence when change schema.
- Fixed a bug where bulk edit rows on sidebar could cause app freeze.
- Many bug fixes and minor improvements.
Build 546 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 30 March 2024.
SHA: 8d7e78b386a305263c3966a46b43443ab057a1d5a03ddeb01d0f383e07b1000e
- TablePlus will not close item tabs when changing the schema.
- Bring back the lazy load item option.
- [Metrics board] Added dropdown.
- Fixed sequence bug where TablePlus generates the wrong creation statement.
- Support safe mode with CTA queries.
- Added Bootstrap CLI script when creating a new connection.
- [PostgreSQL] Show include columns in table indices.
- [PostgreSQL] Includes indices in table creation statement.
- Many bug fixes and minor improvements.
Build 542 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 23 March 2024.
SHA: dd547e4255a78300f304cd7e6d7ff6b6e2a635d2bdebb6e851a1bbe1ae4372d7
- [LibSQL] Supported SQLite over HTTPS.
- [Cassandra] Supported JSONB column for YugabytesDB.
- Many minor bug fixes and improvements.
Build 538 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 14 February 2024.
SHA: 75bdddbe313392a5ab10efa55f222693471506487c3270b01ce60a220fa4442e
- Fixed a bug where OpenAI repeatedly displays an error popup.
Build 534 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 2 February 2024.
SHA: 3f8263edf7befca4f0e179e64bec2080de07af199871db3dce2503d09730b657
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 532 - Bug fixes and improvements
Release date: 15 January 2024.
SHA: 5e633e73e65060bd478d4b10d69236e4a6030b978203f6b02b8e4654213d2b87
- Supported export chart.
- [Vertica] Fixed an issue in TablePlus where client information was not sent to the Database.
- [SQL Server] Show computed/generated or regular status.
- [ClickHouse] Resolved an error in Clickhouse that occurred when rendering an empty map column.
- [SQLite] Supported view dbstat and virtual tables in TablePlus.
- [ClickHouse] Fixed a bug where trailing zeroes were getting removed from Decimal numbers.
- [ClickHouse] Fixed a bug where an invalid sum(rows) result occurred for a given table.
- [MariaDB] Supported TLS 1.3.
- [Vertica] Fixed a bug on Vertica where items on the v_internal schema were not visible.
- [BigQuery] Fixed a bug where the table did not show all databases.
- [Snowflake] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not import CSV.
- Fixed a bug where switching from other windows took 5-10 seconds.
- Fixed a bug where the app became slower after some time of usage until restarting.
- Fixed a bug where text was unreadable on the status bar.
Build 528 - Happy new year
Release date: 28 December 2023.
SHA: fbff87570006014ec9965e385c392329e796cf9c5f69df11ffd85085512df61b
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus restored closed workspaces in the wrong order.
- Fixed some minor layout issues.
- [Big Query] Fixed a bug where TablePlus did not display all databases.
- Improved SQL Editor performance.
- Other bugs fixed and improvements made.
Build 524 - Happy new year
Release date: 16 December 2023.
SHA: 89621ab578314243a9d8d7c24fa5d9c5f4dcf8fa36e54c5d86ef39bc50d389ed
- [SQL Editor] Improve the UX for creating and saving a new file.
- [Metric Board] Fixed a bug where TablePlus was unable to save configurations.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug that prevented TablePlus from restoring PostgreSQL 16.
- [Redis] Fixed a bug where TablePlus failed to report connection errors.
- [Big Query] Fixed an issue with empty queries when opening a new item.
- [ClickHouse] Added support for viewing Map data.
- [ClickHouse] Upgraded the SQLite driver.
- Fixed a layout issue with the app’s status bar.
- Other bugs fixed and improvements made.
Build 520 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 27 November 2023.
SHA: 80ac0332b2d401ffd8cfb42af0ab03d71afac991484de6ab9fef1a96377f695c
- [Vertica] Updated driver.
- [Snowflake] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not load items.
- [Metric Board] Added Pie Chart.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not restore PostgreSQL 16.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 516 - New features
Release date: 10 November 2023.
SHA: 79129de9ab04b25a443beb2f588071d13bd178e79a48ae9a9e4c747f32850565
- [SQLite] Updated driver.
- [MySQL] Update driver, support TLS 1.3.
- [MariaDB] Updated driver, support TLS 1.3.
Build 514 - New features
Release date: 31 October 2023.
SHA: c7101d39ef9de940586fffea5ec488f5da97c5bdee943b17543263299d1d3eeb
- Improved support on macOS Sonoma.
- Added: order column by name/ordinal position.
- Added LLM: chartGPT.
Build 510 - New features
Release date: 9 October 2023.
SHA: f27336ac98b317b95a318c9cfa605729b489848233e721449190b24611c11cdd
- Improved support on macOS Sonoma.
- [MongoDB] Added basic support for MongoShell Syntax Command.
- [Metrics Board] Added Scoreboard.
- [Metrics Board] Parse query comment to draw charts.
- [UI] Quick Look now detachable.
- [UI] Updated default font: TablePlus now uses mono font everywhere.
- [Improvement] Better code auto suggestion.
- [Bug fixes] Fewer crashes.
- And many minor bug fixes and improvements.
Build 506 - macOS Sonoma
Release date: 16 September 2023.
SHA: 6d30c4ed69a2cf7e80a0a22d83f684634531a9fe01f329defd254febd3677be5
- Supported macOS Sonoma.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Build 504 - macOS Sonoma
Release date: 5 August 2023.
SHA: 60552abafef540512796687ddfe1ec14de97b60a14c7a08c395a9f75600859fa
- Supported macOS Sonoma.
- [BigQuery] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not load all tables.
- [MySQL] Fixed generated query order.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where user could not update query result which generated by queires that contains aliases.
- [CSV] Fixed bug import CSV with NaN values.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 500 - New features
Release date: 24 May 2023.
SHA: 8923708b46605b219ec3286697de6b27c2d67b3c308d6e2869f2ae7d9fcd0dac
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 496 - New features
Release date: 3 April 2023.
SHA: 1d94309ab4971e48c1295c89fb0b8dd256514e2585bcf973a6a7f8027d882aae
- Upgrade snowflare driver.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 494 - New features
Release date: 20 March 2023.
SHA: 5015fa1dfeafad930527064cdd07853c8337f2f9e1f81dcf379b0e7ed9540d92
- Supported: customize connection tag.
- Supported: customize, export, import themes.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 492 - Bug fixes
Release date: 6 March 2023.
SHA: 0da80e48a1d9181afdb75d3482d29c1e8b9b4efe2df66b4061891fecfff466c3
- Updated app layout: tag.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 490 - Bug fixes
Release date: 16 February 2023.
SHA: 8b9a5331ec0912c66cb7780808da9b745330a73639e52be8aa42d3de40bf2ae5
- Supported: Search in database.
- Supported: Reorder databases in the left sidebar.
- Fixed potential crash bugs.
Build 486 - Bug fixes
Release date: 30 January 2023.
SHA: ae5e0ec669b6f57cb23ce4bbe633347bd016e4892ac778622c2aaeebfefec278
- Fixes potential crash bugs.
Build 478 - Happy new year
Release date: 15 January 2023.
SHA: f4f358e38f289affe9eba41cf0e769ab797bf98a31b89910ba95769540bf6882
- Updated App Icon.
- [PostgreSQL] Added Sequences.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 472 - Merry Christmas
Release date: 25 December 2022.
SHA: d6c0708853db3b390da40d0c8c3ebc2731c167fccd409dc171394bdd3f0a91d4
- [PostgreSQL] Added PostgreSQL 15 binaries.
- [SQLite] Upgrade SQLite to version 3.39.
- Fixed a bug where the Right Sidebar is hidden.
- Shortcut: Added hide query result shortcut.
- Bug fixes and improvemens.
Build 468 - Ready for macOS Ventura
Release date: 25 October 2022.
SHA: 1e3eddc61fd9821ba3acd73d046cf1e5965da1a189b3f8ca99026166a3da55ab
- Fully support macOS Ventura.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus didn’t reload Queries folders.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could show re-save popup repeatedly.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 458 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 14 October 2022.
SHA: 20c9bbcb05557d8fbb5a3f8845946cccb47ff01aed2be2e841fc7f95dad094aa
- Improved Metrics Board.
- Supported Wrap lines to Editor Width as an option.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus always expand the functions/tables.
- Fixed many potential crash bugs.
Build 454 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 3 October 2022.
SHA: f7aca21e16c454d9374d2c5f3cb045d6f7f653dcdfa827e775d9c218a0c4b377
- Added Metrics Board where you can create charts, input fields, and mini apps.
- Added IAM authentication.
- Fixed a glitch on toolbars when launching the app.
- Many other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 450 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 15 September 2022.
SHA: e678e35f530052cda4d697d7c007a3a49e13b8fb2e310649cd7a612b7f6f4bdc
- Updated layout on macOS Ventura.
- Fixed a memory leak bug.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not run more than 200 queries at a time.
Build 448 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 9 September 2022.
SHA: 81a8bca9ecedab1bebbc58067724f13c1585ebb66938ad752810de07542f3280
- Small UI tweaks.
- Fixed a crash bug when you move queries on Queries tab.
Build 446 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 8 September 2022.
SHA: c38f2d37b51de517202dc56c0264d43c5d5bf08f83722ede04cf14ac10c7cd9f
- Updated app layout.
- Added: Change date text color.
- Added: Group table on the Left Sidebar by Rules.
- Added: Copy cell value shortcut: Cmd + Shift + C.
- [Oracle] Fixed a bug where user could not add/remove columns.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not parse some PostGIS geo type.
- [BigQuery] Supported paging results.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 436 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 25 July 2022.
SHA: d3ed1c3f315ed873bcdff77f8db971fd90aae6be32d43bf9774e14f80b6916a1
- Improved column auto-sizing.
- [PostgreSQL] Updated driver to support SNI.
- Added search for databases in backup/restore windows.
- Allow to open any file in SQL Query.
- TablePlus now open a new SQL tab when the user double-click on a history query.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not restore closed workspace.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus show the wrong estimated rows count.
- Fixed a bug where the clear text plugin was not enabled in backup/restore.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the high CPU usage in idle.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where the user could not edit some of the global permissions in user management.
Build 432 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 8 July 2022.
SHA: 83b3ab643b01738bda081980aab22be127992eb3ff5698ddcc4a173c5a33dd8e
- Updated app layout, improved paging UI/UX.
- Left sidebar font is configurable.
- Toggle rows numbers: on table views and query results.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported Json operators: contains, not contains.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not enable clear text plugin.
- [BigQuery] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not parse struct/array.
Build 428 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 18 June 2022.
SHA: 6573810e38582f65af9ef45a66532a246a528b4efac17d60a6b7c343f0ca008d
- Added BigQuery driver.
- [Mongo] Support SSL and PEM certification.
- [ClickHouse] Support SSL.
- [ClickHouse] Fixed a bug where TablePlus unable to show DateTime.
- [SQLite] Updated SQLite 3.37
- Updated app UI/UX.
- Fixed a layout bug where TablePlus unable to restore full screen after restarting.
- Many bug fixes and improvements.
Build 424 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 26 May 2022.
SHA: 9ac00f2a925d2ea65be37583b51dbd9ca1ef5c9114cedaa57b6766d1e2f115cb
- Improved app UI/UX.
- [SQL Query] Improved variable parser.
- Fixed a bug where database names could be truncated.
- Fixed a bug where folders in Queries tab could not be moved to root.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 422 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 8 May 2022.
SHA: 7ac9d738cbbe3e2601b54ca0ca1bb027599c03aa2b9a8942d6068a2e15185226
- [ClickHouse] Supprted Tuple, Decimal, IPv4, IPv6 data types.
- Supported auto-generate JOIN query based on foreign keys.
- Fixed a layout issue in SQL Query where text is being truncated.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 414 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 8 April 2022.
SHA: 20be63f22b2b93cfbc3b83e23db1fdb070debcddcc45e9104af37f6c543657fc
- ClickHouse Support.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not load advanced filter columns and operators.
- Fixed a bug when user enable the lazy load schema items.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 410 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 17 March 2022.
SHA: 87e5e6a49513d2be3a3e0da221f102484cb3f1481c1924a84fad9ff34ff2f4ef
- [SQLite] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate a wrong item creation query.
- [Vertica] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not load schema list.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Build 406 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 1 March 2022.
SHA: ed01c7cd2c66ef9e46592163572719814927e70ab24702bfc113703f84575ea5
- Added MySQL 8 ARM backup/restore.
- Supported master passcode.
- Improved chart view: click to see the selected value.
- Fixed a theme bug on main menu.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate a wrong update query.
- [MongoDB] Fixed export table bug.
Build 402 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 24 December 2021.
SHA: 3ce0dcc6e68480b1201abe6093c471e078d22bf4bdfa651280e6cdeaaf85a268
- Supported update rows from CSV.
- Supported Lazy load schema items (off by default).
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not save function/view.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
Build 396 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 15 October 2021.
SHA: aca94041f83cbf4d37e11b121f3c0a8d36a97d6a20f7e378744f3c98e42d2c7c
- Added PostgreSQL 14 binaries.
- Added setting for default safe mode.
- Updated advanced filter layout.
- Updated app layout, icons.
- [Cassandra] Added protocol selection.
- Bug fixes.
Build 388 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 18 September 2021.
SHA: c0c290413c843083c532e3b18dbdcea1d610c5db92857b9bb1880cac630d76ba
- Added Charts: LineChart, BarChart.
- Open anything now supports open Queries file.
- Fixed a bug where advanced filters could be reset to first column.
- Fixed a bug where users could not tab to shift right in quicklook.
- Command + T now opens SQL Query instead of an empty tab.
- Reset column position should also unhide column.
- Added multiple columns sort in right click menu context (on column header).
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not sort very big number.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug where timestamp is shown in wrong format.
- [SQLite] Upgrade to version 3.16.0 and support alter column queries.
- [CSV] Fixed a bug where TablePlus export an bool field with t and f instead of true and false.
- [MongoDB] Supported truncate collection.
- [MySQL, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB] Group alter queries into one statement.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where exported file could contains virtual columns.
- Updated app layout.
Build 382 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 28 August 2021.
SHA: 951f400257ae26654e7b65e3e91e5b1809e27fc583ee85603bbd4eaf14e63b5a
- Improved auto code completion performance.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus shows confirm popup repeatedly.
- Improved Mongo support.
- Updated layout.
Build 376 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 15 August 2021.
SHA: 177ca581cf9bcce53107224b97a3d8835cf39187314b38c9fb880868c044aefe
- Fixed layout issue on macOS Monterery.
- [MongoDB] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not update Json.
- [MongoDB] Supported drop collection.
- [MySQL] Improved loading time.
- [MySQL] Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 374 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 18 July 2021.
SHA: 862afd49182e85509bad4fe726fce89164c8f51da74b48669838f5930b892cd6
- Updated app layout.
- [Cassandra] Enable query limit button.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate wrong export queries.
- Fixed a notification bug.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug where TablePlus failed to add auto limit.
Build 370 - Bug fixes and new features
Release date: 8 June 2021.
SHA: af776e301ae6c917c339a2999318d98230ec8839f11c1b7ffb29ffa18c42a2bd
- Optimized TablePlus on macOS Monterey.
- Supported toggle sidebar with hot key.
- [PostgreSQL] Added money type.
- Supported backup/restore with SSL.
- Fixed a notification bug.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus failed to add auto limit.
Build 368 - Bug fixes
Release date: 8 May 2021.
SHA: 1b4297f63634d5caefb58a46533620f7c38f85bc0ea301136c03df5b18541b08
- Improved multiple carets support.
- Fixed many layout bug on Big Sur.
- Fixed a bug where the app play a weird beep sound after sorting a column.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus generate wrong update queries.
Build 366 - Bug fixes
Release date: 1 April 2021.
SHA: f5e13e93739c4417d4853e8509aff300e46a70f4cf219eac4380f5498d6fc9a1
- Supported comment on table in item overview.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug where TablePlus generate wrong update queries.
- Improved layout.
Build 364 - New feature
Release date: 8 March 2021.
SHA: 3ebfb911620a37f185fff0b6faca53bc48f55b9bf9d78f93ae9ede6aa1180cb4
- Improved query generator: do not quote number.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate wrong reorder column and filter column queries.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not save a query with a custom location.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not fetch items in DataStax.
- Ensure that the SQLite file is closed after closing the app.
- Fixed layout bugs.
Build 360 - New feature
Release date: 10 February 2021.
SHA: 0c679a1e69a343795b56708ce439bb1805cb31018db6181f139c1a22a41b0996
- [SQL Query] Added an option: add space in auto-completion.
- [SQL Query] Supported change invisible character color.
- Supported export advanced filter result.
- Fixed an advanced filter bug.
- Fixed a layout issue.
- Other bug fixes.
Build 358 - Happy new year
Release date: 1 January 2021.
SHA: beffa2cb4893400df46520bf7fb4129c90a7726a3104377b43aa2c256a52ac7f
- [MySQL, SQL Server] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate wrong queries.
- Fixed a layout issue.
- Bug fixes.
Build 354 - Bug fixes
Release date: 5 December 2020.
SHA: 130e35e6753adfe49d02cae687a97828de51612418901e2ea830f5a1318ca9f6
- Updated app icon.
- Updated layout.
- Added “Close all Tabs” menu.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed bug GSS API.
- [SQLite] Fixed bug where TablePlus could not delete rows that contains NULL value.
- Bug fixes.
Build 352 - Apple Silicon (M1 - ARM chip)
Release date: 18 September 2020.
SHA: 5aa674c63c7f57cd1fd62b408bd0aca246419727d7dbbe0d5186bffca1443585
- Optimized for Big Sur and supported Apple Silicon (M1 - ARM chip).
- [Oracle] Supported copy creation.
- [MySQL] Optimized for MyCat cluster.
- Improved search for connections.
- Updated TablePlus Workspace layout, update tooltip.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
Build 348 - New features
Release date: 20 October 2020.
SHA: 87f8a72bf6fbd1f436a0fafc719f937103bab4f4fe093ac56b5d4e8c49da19c1
- Supported search for connection on home screen: Command + F.
- [Preferences] change editor line height.
- [PostgreSQL] Show view definition with pretty mode.
- [PostgreSQL] Added PostgreSQL 13 binaries.
- [PostgreSQL] Added user management.
- [Snowflake] Upgrade driver.
- Fixed some minor layout issues.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
Build 342 - Squashes bugs and crashes
Release date: 16 September 2020.
SHA: 6d6f2e723aa4431dca07c29406bf958a90d9a942be249a46b19121869c0ef86e
- Improved auto reconnect.
- [MySQL] Fixed bug where TablePlus could not fetch item list on Vitess.
- Fixed bug where command enter didn’t trigger Quick Look.
- Fixed potential crashes when editing SQL Query.
- Fixed a bug when restoring advanced filter on the free trial.
- Fixed a bug where the window could be created out side the screen.
Build 336 - New feature
Release date: 26 August 2020.
SHA: 04b19967794ec2f35cac697ac5253f0281099db6579dc3832a39b9f760e8e918
- Supported change the Run Current/Run All shortcut key.
- Supported pin results.
- Supported 3D, 4D geometry data.
- [SQLite] Updated driver: supported generated column.
- [SQLite] Now you can open encrypted SQLite database by double click the file.
- Updated TablePlus UI.
- Fixed toolbar bug on Big Sur.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 332 - Bug fixes
Release date: 03 August 2020.
SHA: a1bd7e580bb27cdce1c11cb11765463ff0627c1013edf7a00694a3915cc99da7
- Fixed a minor UI bug on the right sidebar.
- Fixed a bug where undo/redo could cause the app crash.
Build 330 - New features
Release date: 31 July 2020.
SHA: 306cc99d8815d656954ff8745f17a567a7d9dd7ccb01928c37a50d0ee067ffab
- Supported new query result view mode.
- Backup/restore database now respects the Safe mode.
- Highlight the parentheses.
- Updated JS API for TablePlus Diagram.
- Fixed a bug not responding after executing many queries at once.
- Fixed a bug rename a queries.
- Fixed a bug JSON parser.
- Polish UI.
Build 322 - macOS Big Sur
Release date: 26 June 2020.
SHA: c8259a6e5a1112ae6924f0bde51209c5b646a0b539dc5572ff8badf8f103c975
- Supported MacOS Big Sur.
- Fixed a bug where connections weren’t saved after testing.
- Fixed a glitch UI issue on Welcome screen.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent TablePlus from update/delete rows.
- Fixed a many other bugs.
Build 320 - Bug fixes
Release date: 9 June 2020.
SHA: 800cff90b5609368920096c7d73355a93203c680ef2dce5625cfd14ade3a052b
- [Quick Look] Added foreign key viewer.
- Improved syntax highlighting.
- Improved item overview.
- Improved search within results.
- Bring back the console syntax highlighting.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t parse table name from queries.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t parse foreign keys.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug where TablePlus crashed after canceling a query.
- Fixed a layout bug where exported CSV didn’t respect the column order.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t detect variables after a special character.
- [Query Result] Fixed a layout bug in query result message.
- [Query Result] Fixed a bug where the estimated time could be delayed after resizing windows (threading).
- Fixed a bug were JSON Viewer right sidebar didn’t work properly.
- Fixed a lot of bugs that could cause the app crash.
Build 314 - New features
Release date: 28 May 2020.
SHA: 4aa121e1506abbef2510a8a496353e9b3c2d7bfed34ee3f04e2a0b60102c1c08
- Redesigned workspace layout.
- Supported search and replace within results.
- Supported cell-level selection.
- Made syntax highlighing faster.
- TablePlus now uses the single quote when you copy all column values.
- Dropped support physical column.
- Fixed many crash bugs.
- Fixed a bug where switching between workspaces could be delayed.
- Fixed a highlight syntax glitch bug.
- Fixed a bug where the databases on the left sidebar are ordered incorrectly.
- [SQLite] Fixed a bug where TablePlus has failed to show the error.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not parse varint number.
Build 308 - New features
Release date: 11 May 2020.
SHA: 3cbca4a55ad07bdf78ef9af7b390a3da23bf86b398e355d0261ea7d82c34d7da
- Polish UI.
- TablePlus no longer discards pending changes after reconnecting.
- Auto reconnect when the app become active.
- Supported view Spatial data in Map View.
- Supported history search.
- Supported bootstrap commands.
- Added Greenplum driver.
- When you click on “manual Input… “ it will focus on the input field on the right sidebar.
- [MySQL] Skip virtual columns when export SQL.
- [MySQL] Supported reset auto-increment.
- [Oracle] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not update DateTime value.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed bug where TablePlus couldn’t load foreign table.
- [PostgreSQL 12] Fixed bug where TablePlus couldn’t load check condition.
- Fixed a bug “duplicate rows” but could not save.
- Fixed a bug where connections which do not belong to any group could be ignored.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Build 304 - Bug fixes
Release date: 18 April 2020.
SHA: a9a3c7464b2e4cec4c5a8deb3e6159a2d5447c38954aa17278a8e7a978ac7807
- Polish UI.
- [MySQL, MariaDB] Supported export SQL with virtual column.
- Fixed a bug where console log could make the app unresponsive.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Build 300 - New features
Release date: 31 March 2020.
SHA: ed8e8add50d60df29ee775d5296c6842b134f3f767984d3afea5ee46555f6b9a
- [MySQL, MariaDB] Reduced memory usage.
- [Advanced filter] Supported OR filter.
- [The Right Sidebar] Supported multiple carets and syntax highlighting.
- [Quick Look] Supported XML/JSON syntax highlighting.
- [Quick Look] Improved JSON Viewer.
- Supported search and replace in the Quick Look editor.
- Improved import/export speed.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t render the big blob on the right sidebar.
- [SQL Editor] Fixed invalid whitespace bug.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Build 296 - New features and bugfixes
Release date: 12 February 2020.
SHA: e993c07662c1c0c91fb70c419bf6d7dc700dc39a832a8ce3629a18649cbfc72c
- Supported edit view content.
- Supported nested connection group.
- [TableData] Supported set column positions and widths.
- [Preferences] Added PostGIS decoder option.
- [Preferences] Added data locations for synching connections with private cloud (Dropbox, iCloud…).
- [Export SQL] TablePlus now split queries into 250KB chunk size.
- Improved Import/Export performance.
- [MySQL] Supported edit table encoding and collation.
- Fixed a bug where auto limit queries were not recorded in history correctly.
- Fixed bug parse foreign key with custom quotes.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could ignore auto limit.
- Fixed a bug where foreign keys were not loaded in the query result.
- [Backup/Restore] Fixed an escape password bug.
- Fixed many potential crash bugs.
- Fixed a bug loading foreign keys.
- Polish UI.
Build 290 - New features and bugfixes
Release date: 18 January 2020.
SHA: c9a966a96c07b870558b726c617b819df206af5708146ff7370b544bf232c17f
- Added Geometry Viewer when hovering mouse on the geometry data cell.
- Fixed a bug High CPU after backup/restore.
- [SQLite] [Redshift] Fixed a CSV import bug.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported view/edit Geometry data.
Build 286 - Happy new year
Release date: 12 January 2020.
SHA: 7b01822ba8405d57135d3aa4b596fa87e95a9d9822ce3ebb44ad828c3dc4cb76
- Improved advanced filter with state colors.
- Improved backup compress speed.
- Added PostgreSQL 12 binaries.
- TablePlus no longer replaces SQL tabs.
- [Search] Supported matching pattern: use the double quote when searching.
- [MySQL] Supported opening foreign keys cross-database.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug parse Geometry data.
- [MySQL] Fixed performance issue when the database has hundreds of thousand users.
- [SQL Server] Handled updating Unicode string correctly.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug where empty column and the query status could be ignored in some cases.
- [SQL Editor] Added an ability to add all table fields when using auto-completion.
- [SQL Editor] Updated gutter font sync with editor font.
- Fixed a bug where the advanced filter state wasn’t updated.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could not open Gzip files.
Build 282 - Enhancements
Release date: 8 December 2019.
SHA: 1c19dfa8ad6fe03e56ead9b4386b41ea4e1ffcbeba64d9943cf171f4162f02b6
- Updated theme colors.
- Improved export feature.
- Enabled tab to next field in Table Structure and Table Index.
- [Advanced filter] [MySQL] Added case sensitive filter.
- [Advanced filter] Fixed a bug where the filter could produce invalid queries.
- [SQLite] Supported rename column.
- [MySQL, MariaDB] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could reconnect repeatedly.
- [SQL Server] Improved loading time.
- [Editor] Supported auto-completion in Multiple Cursors mode.
- [Editor] Fixed split horizontally via the right-click menu context.
- [Editor] Fixed a tab-width bug.
- Fixed a lot of potential crash bugs.
- Fixed a bug where the content which was edited via quick look could be ignored.
Build 278 - Enhancements
Release date: 12 November 2019.
SHA: 0bcbd1a5110ae78fe52017531e74b6d63c8fcaea0e39c6135cfc538a0f53d8dd
- Scrollable left sidebar (database view).
- Improved theme colors.
- Updated backup/restore windows UI.
- Updated preferences UI.
- [Quick look] Support multiple carets.
- [Editor] Fixed a crash bug.
- Beautify and uglify the current query instead of all the queries.
- Fixed huge memory issues during import/export.
- Fixed a bug where select all text in a cell was limited 32k characters.
Build 276 - Enhancements
Release date: 8 November 2019.
SHA: 1704360e2bc97bec96b7606de80b93d415b917894996e71f68b1753ee2f5fc2c
- Improved theme colors.
- Updated backup/restore windows UI.
- Updated preferences UI.
- [Quick look] Support multiple carets.
- [Editor] Fixed a crash bug.
- Beautify and uglify the current query instead of all the queries.
- Fixed huge memory issues during import/export.
- Fixed a bug where select all text in a cell was limited 32k characters.
Build 272 - Bug fixes
Release date: 26 October 2019.
SHA: ee4f23b286f5407704d01c9b84eab0084eaa95fc90e234b5f85ca0a46a34edc3
- TablePlus will try to decode blob data to text if it is possible.
- [Editor] Improved code auto-completion.
- [MySQL] Fixed a glitch UI issue in user management.
- Fixed a crash bug on EL Capitan.
Build 270 - Blog: What’s new in TablePlus build 270?
Release date: 22 October 2019.
SHA: 0827b2ab45750a77aa4531cfaf58737b5713638f9ca80abf1da241f3735bc31c
- [Query Editor] Wrap selected text in quotes.
- [Query Editor] Supported multiple cursors.
- Improved Quick Look location popup.
- Improved CSV export function.
- Added an ability to change the query params regex.
- Added Command + Delete: Delete items and ignore foreign key checks.
- TablePlus now export/import connection encoded URL correctly.
- TablePlus will suggest you to use the TouchID to unlock safe mode.
- [MySQL User Management] Added CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privilege.
- [SQL Server] Added IDENTITY when creating a new column.
- [SQL Server] Use a single transaction when executing multiple queries.
- [MySQL] Improved Binary data type support.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug syntax error when executing a function contains DELIMITER with comments.
- [SQLite] Added handler for real data type.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug where backup/restore didn’t work if the user name contains the @ character.
- [Mongo] Supported count rows in results.
- Fixed a minor license system issue.
- Fixed a bug where the last row could not be rendered in some cases.
- Fixed a crash bug when TablePlus wake up from idle.
- Fixed a few potential crash bugs.
- Fixed a bug where the theme didn’t change in macOS Catalina auto theme mode.
- Fixed a bug where pin/unpin item didn’t respect multiple selections.
- Fixed a bug where Open Recent is always empty.
- Fixed some glitch UI bugs.
- Fixed some driver bugs.
- Fixed a bug using default filter operator with always show.
- Fixed a memory leak bug.
Build 264 - Catalina
Release date: 24 September 2019.
SHA: 5d50e2627855d4f99e3ca7427aa53489e5b98e60aa31c826902b92d478dadc91
- Improvement macOS Catalina support.
- Supported enterprise users with Auto-Agent security guard.
- Fixed a bug where variables were not applied.
Build 262 - New features
Release date: 17 September 2019.
SHA: 988a18434af2e81504852b88917bd95d44d161ea40238a9ea65387d4d3f877cb
- Fixed an auto completion bug with alias.
Build 260 - New features
Release date: 16 September 2019.
SHA: b6ede79b963c5b57b9c215fbac711d1da3e7f8d62448b1ba21ec0e6cf0625122
- Added advanced filter config: default column, default operator, default filter state.
- Supported filter with a column in the right-click context menu on the table header.
- Improved data detection and tuning the dark theme.
- Improved the Safe Mode: the Safe Mode now can ingore comments.
- [Snowflake] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t fetch the views.
- [Snowflake] Fixed a bug where TablePlus unresponsive during larger queries.
- Fixed a visual bug in the foreign key popup.
- Fixed a bug where the Right Sidebar wasn’t reloaded after refreshing/committing
- Fixed a bug where the Counter wasn’t rendered correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the Connection SQLite over SSH could cause reconnect repeatedly.
- Fixed a bug where the Console didn’t load font correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the Editor Search Panel didn’t show up after pressing command + F.
Build 256 - Enhancements
Release date: 22 August 2019.
SHA: 7513e351de7578aee99ce2cd67fa70c83bd2895dec136bed023fce00f54cede1
- Improved UX/UI, theme colors and performance.
- TablePlus now won’t reload all tables after committing.
- Supported double click to open an item in the item-overview.
- TablePlus now scrolls to the beginning of the document when navigating to next and previous page.
- [Oracle] Upgrqade Oracle Library.
- [Oracle] Fixed a crash bug when fetching rows.
- [Oracle] Supported UTF8 charset.
- [Open anything] Supported control + p/n as arrow alias.
- [Open Anything] Hold Command + Open an item to open the item in a new tab.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t get MySQL database list.
- Fixed a bug which could affect the performance (counting rows).
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus didn’t show the database bar after merging windows.
Build 252 - Bug fixes
Release date: 31 July 2019.
SHA: 42638fa0f54f093504b955ef33f54355ba073268feedae670f7fe8e78c03b05c
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t retrieve binary data correctly.
Build 250 - Bug fixes
Release date: 30 July 2019.
SHA: 0b77a206dd45e60aed8032d088d05aba6c75f1a1b0543f9233b13cdb23368eba
- Fixed an import bug where TablePlus skipped the last chunk.
- [Cassandra] Supported ALLOW FILTERING.
- Improved auto-completion context awareness.
- [Redshift] Added driver logo.
- [Redshift] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t load Spectrum Tables.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug parse date time.
- [Preferecnes] TablePlus will not restore recently opened workspace except you turn it on.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t retrieve binary data correctly.
Build 246 - Bug fixes
Release date: 15 July 2019.
SHA: 4c0c1592aec9017f0c90149294bd492a7c7666abbeb2503b32bf2ed6af634a3c
- Updated libSSH.
- TablePlus is no longer prompt for an update if you turn it off.
- Improved fuzzy searching for items/databases.
- Improved backup/restore default driver.
- [MySQL] Supported backup –all-databases flag.
- Added sorting connection by name/tag/driver.
- Filling zero for the date and time in the naming pattern.
- Fixed a bug where clicking a foreign key could generate a wrong query.
- Fixed a bug export CSV where TablePlus didn’t respect the option convert line break to spaces.
- Fixed a bug where asking password every time didn’t work.
- Fixed a few minor bugs.
Build 242 - Bug fixes
Release date: 02 July 2019.
SHA: 3a51852c0e7888d8caafc4728a627a6ee3dec4e0301ddb12839d3a9146097b00
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t get header history.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus wouldn’t show process list.
- [MySQL] Fixed a threading bug which could cause a crash.
Build 240 - New feature
Release date: 29 Jun 2019.
SHA: 790dba70c5c7f8258f2d1f106465ec27764f2800b5269f47757194a2e76631ff
- TablePlus will restore the recently closed workspaces.
- [Auto completion] Added an option auto prefix schema name.
- Improved import/export big dump file.
- Fixed a editing inline bug where the cell wasn’t marked as yellow.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus didn’t update the sidebar after switching database by shortcut.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus froze if the user opened console during import SQL.
Build 233 - New feature
Release date: 21 Jun 2019.
SHA: 45c4f67a4471e7ec482b9b85669eb1694f3cb30caf81d738ccaf9fbe47709236
- Supported query params.
- Supported export CSV with the option convert line break to space.
- Supported killing running queries.
- [Backup/Restore] TablePlus now remembers backup/restore options, gzip checkbox state and driver version.
- Advanced safe mode now can ignore Explain queries.
- Export CSV now respects the column position.
- [SQLite] Enabled Over SSH.
- Optimized editing mode, it takes zero time when pressing Tab to navigate to the next cell.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t load foreign key in multiple schemas.
- TablePlus now startups in zero time.
- New icon set for the dark theme.
- Bug fix and performance improvements.
- Improved SSH Security.
- Added Command + Delete/Option + Delete to Delete/Truncate tables.
- Added naming pattern when backup/restore database.
- Changed the advanced filter behaviors, clear all button will remove applied filters instead of deleting it.
- Improved tab color when the app is inactive.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus failed to restore Welcome window size/position.
- Fixed a bug where the Welcome Screen didn’t close after opening SQLite database.
- Fixed a bug where inline editing cell has a different font with the table data.
- [Redis] Fixed a counting bug.
- [Redis] Support ElasticCache TLS (Redis with TLS).
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug where columns with utf8 were not rendered correctly.
- [MySQL] Fixed an escaping password bug in the backup/restore.
- [MySQL] Added MySQL 8 binaries for backup/restore.
- [MariaDB] Supported native driver and enabled socket forwarding.
Build 228 - Bug fixes
Release date: 21 May 2019.
SHA: bf3350deeba7d62df1e9e2cf35d8e43c5f785d8e9e5e109d951797e6e1bef1c0
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus didn’t render the total result count.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t save the advanced filter states.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t hide the advanced filter.
- Connect over an SSH tunneling is now faster 30%.
- Supported backup/restore using socket over an SSH tunneling.
- Supported forwarding socket over SSH.
- TablePlus now remembers console state show/hide.
- Improved the default font system: default monospaced digit.
- Improved estimated rows count.
- Improved searching for items with regex.
- Improved SQL beautify function.
- Improved auto-completion context awareness.
- Improved general UI, typo.
- Improved the left sidebar database stack view (multiple workspaces).
- [Mongo] Fixed a bug where editing a row with the primary is a string.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug where blob values were shown incorrectly.
- [Redis] Fixed a bug syntax error when reloading content with enabled filter.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug where the result was empty in some cases.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a crash bug on EL Capitan.
- [MYSQL] Fixed a bug where SSL keys were not found.
- [MySQL] Fixed bug where TablePlus couldn’t insert an index with column length.
- Fixed some potential backup/restore bugs.
- Fixed a bug where shift-left eats characters.
Build 222 - New safe mode levels, new font system
Release date: 26 Apr 2019.
SHA: b86292baa8fb7a4e3c94aac114f1deca8a6f3965d4c4541c184f6b822d6ac1e7
- Added two new safe mode levels which can ignore SELECT queries.
- Supported edit bytea as Hex value.
- Supported parse safe mode level from URL.
- Supported all macOS fonts.
- Supported changing row padding.
- Supported searching for items with AND regex.
- Supported changing editor/table view fonts.
- Added shortcut reload the current tab: Command + Option + R
- Improved column auto-sizing.
- [CSV] Added matching strategy.
- [CSV] Export CSV uses “Quote if needed” as the default option.
- Bring back option: double click to import Favorite.
- Pretty function now can validate/sort JSON.
- Enable editor when executing a query.
- [Advanced filter] Supported ILIKE.
- [Cockroach] Fixed a bug where the user can’t update a table with bytea primary.
- [Mongo] Added support sorting column.
- [Mongo] TablePlus now sorts key in the table view mode.
- [Redis] Fixed an advanced filter bug.
- [SQLite] Fixed a bug loading table primary key.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug generate alter column statement.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug foreign key and index columns were not loaded.
- Fixed a bug where backup/restore didn’t work due to Apple hardened.
- Fixed a bug run history.
- Fixed an auto-completion bug where TablePlus didn’t add a double quote.
- Fixed a bug where JSON Editor keys were not sorted.
- Fixed a bug where JSON Editor was not editable.
- Fixed a bug exporting connection could skip the ungrouped connections.
Build 212 - Hot patch
Release date: 5 Apr 2019.
SHA: 3aacc45048a00479d442a0d7273c66bda3cf710d881ccea98749fb39ccf17e10
- Fixed a crash when importing/exporting Gzip file.
- Fixed a crash when using auto-completion.
Build 210 - New features and bug fixes
Release date: 4 Apr 2019.
SHA: 6f58053cce1dfde635b922679993b90845a55e1ad494f2d770ff2f32fbc8d904
- Fixed some potential crash bugs.
- Added shortcut key: Toggle Block Comment.
- Added shortcut key: Select Next/Previous Workspace.
- Supported changing shortcut keys.
- Supported adding/deleting/duplicating rows in the query result.
- Sorted JSON columns in JSONViewer.
- Added MariaDB identify.
- [MySQL] Auto suggestion table now can cross databases.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could ignore the extra info when creating a new column.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug which can cause command out of sync.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate a wrong Alter Column Query.
- [MySQL] Added database encoding and collation.
- [SQL Server] Money data type now shows 4 digits.
- [SQL Server] Enable replicate login.
- [Cassandra] Supported creating a new keyspace.
- Fixed a bug when Toggling Comment in SQL Editor.
- Updated SSH lib.
Build 204 - New features and bug fixes
Release date: 18 Mar 2019.
SHA: 3ddd9335dea342986e7919bc21db0555fb646ffefbabe7b03bf75c34a150cf6b
- Added an option disable auto save Favorites.
- Supported sort table by multiple columns.
- Supported duplicate multiple rows
- Improved sort result performance.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported change view encoding.
- [Advanced Filter] Added BETWEEN operator.
- [SQLite] Supported view blob data.
- TablePlus now always opens a SQL file in a new tab.
- TablePlus now remembers the advanced filter state (show/hide).
- TablePlus now remembers column position, size.
- Fixed Query Editor Layout issue.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could show wrong affected rows number.
- [Redshift] Fixed an issue where TablePlus auto-suggestion could slow down the app.
- [Cockroach] Fixed bug load foreign keys.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could show wrong date format.
Build 200 - New features and bug fixes
Release date: 04 Mar 2019.
SHA: 5a9d2452a71227a030937f82cedd14a685fdf853f33829215b2f7a9eedf7492e
- New Favorite design.
- Improved query result message in single tab mode.
- Improved Copy as Markdown Table.
- Added IN/NOT IN into quick filter.
- Supported copy multiple history queries.
- Supported search for connection.
- Supported NOT IN in advanced filter.
- Supported multiple selections in SQL Editor.
- New design for run custom JavaScript.
- Fixed a bug where the favorite tag could be removed after moving to a new group.
- [Mongo] Supported URL.
- [Redshift] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t load indices.
- [Redshift] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t foreign keys.
- [Redshift] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t load functions.
- [Redis] Supported SSL.
- [Redis] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate the wrong query if there are multiple databases.
- [MySQL/Redshift/MariaDB] Improved default data type value when creating a new table.
- [Redis] Supported STREAMS.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate the wrong index query.
- [MySQL] Set user password now compatible for version < 5.7
- [Cockroach] Supported limit returned rows.
- [Snowflake] Updated libs, supported limit returned rows.
Build 194 - New features and bug fixes
Release date: 16 Feb 2019.
SHA: e622a1bb43a57611bf0f107be88470d7a10ddc6fc78567bae3c1edcaf32590f8
- Add notification when backup/restore done.
- Added limit returned rows for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
- User management and import wizard now respects the Safe mode.
- [SQLite] Supported the full-text search extension.
- [CockroachDB] Fixed a bug where TablePlus could generate a wrong update statement.
- [Redis] Supported advanced filter.
- [MySQL] User management per database.
- [MySQL] Support backup/restore via local socket.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus couldn’t update index name.
- [SQL Server] Fixed an issue where TablePlus could show the wrong time format.
- Fixed an import SQL bug.
- Fixed a bug export CSV with an empty column name.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus could show error popup repeatedly.
- Fixed a memory leak bug.
- Fixed a bug indent SQL with tabs.
- Avoid escape JSON character after Pretty.
Build 190 - Happy Lunar New Year
Release date: 3 Feb 2019.
SHA: adda9bf1225c56b22653144f5e69845117b8d0079b4ddd3cd3361628828ce292
- Beautifier now respects the indent setting.
- Supported pretty JSON on the right sidebar (menu dropdown).
- [Mongo] Allow empty database when creating a new connection.
- [Mongo] Supported insert a new row.
- [Advanced filter] Auto adds braces for IN.
- [Advanced filter] Jump to the last applied filter instead of the first filter when pressing: Command + F.
- Fixed a memory leak bug.
- Fixed a bug where connections/groups could be overridden when syncing via Dropbox.
- Fixed a rare crash bug that could occur when editing a query.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where TablePlus imports fail but won’t report any error.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug where editing MySQL structure could generate a wrong statement.
Build 188 - Welcome MongoDB
Release date: 28 Jan 2019.
SHA: aa9f4b28c39d80351928e88ab6d55a193cc902a9325f662cd515fc8ea65e5fb6
- [Mongo] Added basic support: table view mode.
- [Redis] 10x faster.
- Updated left sidebar item layout.
- Table now cache the column size in the query result.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug display wrong Time value.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug set Auto increment.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug show error message.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug set default value.
- Fixed a bug the main window is not shown after closing workspace.
- Fixed a bug export single table.
- Fixed a rare bug where TablePlus crashed when creating a connection.
Build 182 - New Features and Bug fixes
Release date: 20 Jan 2019.
SHA: 9fb00243048ec914a6795666af56e8937cef61b22155014b897613e742e290ef
- [PostgreSQL] Supported export/import PostgreSQL with foreign keys.
- Supported Import/Export/Open Gzip file.
- Added SQL Tab into Export Result popup.
- Push notification after exporting/exporting.
- TablePlus now remembers your favorite export/import options.
- Changed tabs color in the dark theme.
- TablePlus now allows opening 1 Table in multiple Tabs.
- Fixed a crash bug when restoring a big dump file.
- Fixed a bug auto-suggestion.
- [Oracle] Fixed a crash bug when reconnecting.
- [PostgreSQL] Improved raise notice.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug update row contains JSON.
- Fixed a bug advanced filter with IN formula.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus doesn’t show plus button when viewing workspaces.
Build 176 - Very important bug fixes.
Release date: 14 Jan 2019.
SHA: 1ec0437e686f85e0ffc258b72bd1a3f172a6388f708d9c3f2a0d57276e5a169d
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus shows unexpected Safe Mode popup.
- Fixed a bug where TablePlus shows unexpected Connection popup.
- Improved Open Anything.
- Updated the connection form UI.
- [SQL Server] Supported select Protocol Version when creating a new connection.
- [Snowflake] Fixed a bug where TablePlus shows boolean value as EMPTY and 1.
- [SSH] Fixed a bug where TablePlus didn’t ask for the private key passphrase password.
- Fixed a bug escape character when importing a CSV.
- Fixed a licensing UI issue.
Build 174 - New features and bug fixes.
Release date: 10 Jan 2019.
SHA: e86b11d7b91f5ea8b67592f66a4a59fa004f532744765e406ac8b53f438ff611
- Added PostgreSQL 11.0 binaries.
- Added more monospaced fonts: Monaco, Menlo.
- Copy Rows As… now are filtered by selected columns.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug show MAX varchar length.
- [MariaDB] Fixed a bug where TablePlus won’t allow you to edit query result.
- [Cassandra] Supported data type TUPLE.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug Copy As Insert Statements.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug Update Counter.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug show RAISE NOTICE.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported push RAISE NOTICE notification.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed bug backup/restore database with an escaped password.
- Fixed some table structure layout issues.
- Fixed a bug copy/paste rich text which contains links into SQL Editor.
- Fixed a bug where the Column Sort is removed unexpectedly when reloading data.
- Fixed a bug where Table Grid is moved unexpectedly when editing a cell.
- Fixed a bug update DEFAULT value when creating a new table.
- Fixed a bug ENUM is not updated after editing.
- Fixed a crash bug when switching theme in macOS 10.11.
- Fixed a rare bug where TablePlus didn’t save the advanced filters.
- Fixed a rare bug where TablePlus didn’t save the last query.
Build 170 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 30 Dec 2018.
SHA: 27efc9db57e92b887256d67bd255f29de8b509cf51cb4b2a60faacea0b434941
- Supported unlock Safe Mode with Touch ID.
- Improved the advanced filter UI/UX.
- [SQL Server] Supported IDENTITY when creating a new table.
- [SQL Server] Supported change connection encoding.
- [MySQL] Supported change connection encoding.
- [MySQL] Added User management.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug when editing the default value.
- Fixed a bug export tables.
- Fixed bug filter columns with spaces.
- Fixed a crash bug table dum table dee.
- Fixed a bug import CSV with null timestamp.
- Fixed a bug copy as… with an empty column name.
Build 164 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 09 Dec 2018.
SHA: a06e10479ce2f3dd649b284f324ce69739a0d70f8a2d1e83bd1f40fc232f6408
- Improved general UI/UX.
- Show error detail when importing a CSV.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug get the primary key in Cassandra 2.2.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a crash bug when parsing decimal.
- [MySQL] Fixed a backup/restore dump flags.
- Fixed a bug case sensitive when navigating by foreign key links.
Build 160 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 30 Nov 2018.
SHA: d53d06c27cf30031324e6dc7e1a3aeac09208b0a7e48d15fd8f7d4c690d53e4a
- Added disconnect into the main menu.
- General performance improvements.
- Fixed a bug duplicate a row.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug generate insert/update with empty string
- Fixed bug Keep Connection Alive option can’t be turned off.
- Fixed a insert/update row inline.
- Improved inline edit/delete rows speed.
- Fixed a bug draw status bar.
- Supported copy result as Raw.
- [SQL Server] Fixed bug show datetime2 and decmial.
Build 156 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 15 Nov 2018.
SHA: d8b387240e31b985d5bc49d44ff4592f7d1e8a51c2b51025602cdd069e849609
- Fixed a crash that could occur when updating table.
Build 154 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 14 Nov 2018.
SHA: 01920729ee388a44f512f61c09a5093d90787222dd97c629e4e6f0696718fccb
- [MySQL] Fixed a crash bug when import SQL Dump.
- [Oracle] Fixed a bug cancel query.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug get function list in PostgreSQL 11.
- [Oracle] Supported PL/SQL syntax.
- [Redis] Fixed a bug get databases.
- [Snowflake] Fixed a bug hanging when returning an error.
- Fix a rare bug generate update statement.
- The sidebar database icon now has the color of the status bar.
- TablePlus will fallback to ASCII and windowsCP1252 after failing to import SQL file with utf8.
- Improved export, dump file speed.
- Always open a new SQL tab when clicking the SQL button.
- [Redis] Improved syntax parsing.
- [MySQL] Fixed an escape character bug.
- [Cassandra] Fixed an escape character bug.
- Supported move focuses with up/down arrows.
- Improved theme’s colors.
Build 150 - Bug fixes and new features.
Release date: 05 Nov 2018.
SHA: 0ec9682c512e5878b3fe7e9117551869556dcfcdeeb9be0c88c645a76ec05d81
- [MySQL] Supported binary UUID as a primary key.
- [MySQL] Supported binary as a Foreign Key.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported binary as a Foreign Key.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug get varint, decimal.
- Fixed a bug escaped character when backup/restore.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when importing SQL Dump file.
- [SSH] Supported openssh, ecdsa key types.
- [SSH] Fixed a bug saving SSH key passphrase.
- [MySQL] Fixed bug parse function syntax.
- [MySQL] Updated default restore flag.
- [Oracle] Fixed a bug export rows as insert statement.
Build 146 - Bug fixes and performance improvements.
Release date: 26 Oct 2018.
SHA: 956e92f651f93e2fa9a7cbdf36eec835bc55d887dacdfb6cf42fd009a7f68c00
- Supported Snowflake.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported bytea as the primary key.
- [MySQL] Supported bulk delete table with ignoring foreign key check.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug utf8 on MySQL < 5.5.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug show Float value.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug delete multiple rows.
- Fixed a bug auto resize sidebar.
- Fixed a bug reload row detail.
- Fixed a bug import SQL Dump file.
- Fixed bug selection on item outline.
- The last SQL unique by pair connection/database.
- Improved the query speed.
Build 142 - Big improvements and New features.
Release date: 10 Oct 2018.
SHA: dd5f9011503a73293ea1b6548badffa121661f436f3d257a02a89bf1a49594a9
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed bug backup/restore.
- [MySQL] Fixed bug backup/restore without password.
- Localized syntax SQL Syntax.
- Supported import SQL Dump.
- Fixed an escape bug in advanced filter.
- Improved export table function.
- [MySQL] Fixed a few table structure issues.
- [SQL Server] Fixed bug drop primary key.
- [Oracle] Fixed a bug cancel query.
- [Cassandra] Supported edit query result in SQL Query.
- [Cockroach] Supported edit query result in SQL Query.
- [SQL Server] Set default options.
- Updated general UI (Colors and images).
- Hide ping from query status bar.
- Increased MySQL timeout.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug update boolean column.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug connect to Microsoft Azure.
- Updated PostgreSQL and MySQL binaries.
- Fixed some potential crash bugs
Build 136 - Critical Update for Mojave.
Release date: 30 Sep 2018.
SHA: 7e7a592dfe317db71425d869a92d0933a1110b22feb25841a8d993b9b87fc8fd
- Added force reconnect hotkey: command + shift + R.
- Added timeout for connection, ask the user if they want to reconnect.
- Added auto theming.
- Dark theme is free for all users.
- Fixed a bug text editor cursor disappears on Mojave.
- [PostgreSQL] Supported view check condition.
- Show JSON viewer if the text is a valid JSON.
- Show symbol ~ estimated row.
- Fixed a crash bug after adding a new index in a new table.
- [Oracle] Fixed a bug view the View data.
- Fixed a bug auto-suggestion column for tables in case sensitive.
- Fixed a bug switch database for the free version.
- Fixed a bug the pinned table.
- Fixed a bug escape JSON string.
Build 132 - Critical Update for Mojave.
Release date: 25 Sep 2018.
SHA: 5264883ea37399456583355fea58b095b9d8241f7dc5bb82364200a8f652b468
- [Critical Update] Fixed crash on Mojave official release.
- Highlight table on the left sidebar after opening it by Open Anything.
Build 130 - Improved speed and stability.
Release date: 22 Sep 2018.
SHA: cfc2440e95931be9e1aeaca634d760bafc051264593e8b1282699b5807d64ef9
- Attempt to fix resizing bug in SQL Query screen.
- Upgrade SSH lib and optimize SSH speed.
- [Cassandra] Supported view counter type.
- [Cassandra] Supported view date type.
- [Cassandra] Fixed bug compatible with version 2.
- [MySQL] Fixed bug edit query result for a table has the uppercase name.
- [CockroachDB] Fixed bug compatible with beta 2.1.
- Disable automatic quote substitution in Quick Look and detail view.
- Optimize TablePlus speed
Build 128 - Faster and better.
Release date: 13 Sep 2018.
SHA: f9c0f66127428c889f48e8fd31aa59c656c29fe45aa728cf0928ce6d19a2eb7c
- [Important] Fixed a crash bug while resizing the row detail.
- Improved TablePlus Speed, it loads rows faster now.
- Table data/structure is only loaded if needed.
- [MySQL] Supported edit results in SQL Query when using table alias.
- [MySQL] Fixed bug edit structure set extra.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug create a new sequence.
- [EL Capitan] Fixed bug switch database.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed bug create a sequence.
- Improved console UI/UX.
Build 125 - Bug fixes and new features.
Release date: 04 Sep 2018.
SHA: 47f75ef3a766ef0ef28af13c648ca09f5f0c4cae09100342e5b94553f42b633f
- Added console log: Command + Shift + C.
- Fixed a bug previous button does not work properly when monkey testing.
- Fixed a bug cannot commit in SQL Query.
- Fixed many crash bugs.
- Auto expands text column.
- Fixed autocompletion sometimes doesn’t suggest column name.
- Export connection file now includes group logos.
Build 122 - Stability improvements.
Release date: 27 Aug 2018.
SHA: 76e45139cef4879fe3f84d97db3a6c5e6bc5f3a4bd3d669d467c98efaa05fe33
- Supported Redshift functions.
- Fixed some potential crash bugs.
- After build 122, we will change the update schedule to from weekly to monthly, if you want to receive weekly update, join our beta build: Preferences > Receive Beta Updates.
Build 121 - Bug fixes and new features.
Release date: 24 Aug 2018.
SHA: 2f63de93d1c42c837cc8f95b287f3fc119a200754accbf828f728d87e96d1de1
- Supported open a connection by ID.
- Supported open Redis by URL.
- [Cassandra] Supported show UDT type value.
- [Cassandra] Fixed bug show null value.
- [Cassadnra] Fixed bug insert LIST/SET data type.
- [Cassandra] Fixed update UUID.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug TablePlus didn’t report the error message.
- [PostgreSQL] Show precision for DateTime.
- Command + S in SQL Query will trigger save dialog.
- Fixed some potential crash bugs.
- General UX improvements.
Build 120 - Bug fixes and new features.
SHA: 9d96634d8e9eaa4101825bec60de35921cd8090b40b95093665ff65b2d255d80
Release date: 17 Aug 2018.
- Added table’s comment in the item overview tab.
- Supported render multiple results.
- Sorting rows is case insensitive, now.
- Improved SQL Editor performance.
- Updated schema colors.
- Fixed memory leak on OSX 10.11.
- [Redis] Fixed a crash bug when ran a SET statement.
Build 119 - Bug fixes and new features.
SHA: a7d472e529c137864d08d011ed37348e035490daf2e6413e071ad7479a0e2962
Release date: 10 Aug 2018.
- [Important] Fixed a crash bug when executed multiple statements.
- Supported favorite keyword binding.
- Supported create a new table from CSV.
- [Redis] Corrected query status.
Build 118 - Enhancements.
SHA: eab49b8a06b8fb55a577b29875bfb57b13fc0e1039fa7876bff4f638edb66807
Release date: 3 Aug 2018.
- Supported search item by regex:
. - Added shortcut for item search bar: command + shift + F.
- Supported copy column name in data view.
- Do not collapse SplitView when opened for the first time.
- [MS SQL] Show length of nvarchar.
- Fixed copy as CSV in the table structure.
- [Redis] Fixed a parser bug.
Build 117 - JSON Viewer, UI improvements.
SHA: 180660b99e9dc9cf48d1abc77b154be7648878d4974b2c109c2a3ce07bfc7176
Release date: 27 Jul 2018.
- Added JSON Viewer.
- Simplify the menu context in SQL Query.
- Show editor after adding a Favorite.
- Fixed many Mojave UI issues.
- Fixed a dock menu bug.
- Fixed a bug moving window by dragging title bar.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug get TINY INT and SMALL INT.
Build 116 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 19 Jul 2018.
- Fixed unexpected crash in SQL Query.
- [MySLQ] Fixed a bug parse ENUM.
- [MySQL] Support BIT data type.
- Improved counter and loading states.
- Supported disable loading wallpaper.
- Improved Vertica support.
Build 115 - Enhancements.
Release date: 13 Jul 2018.
- Supported export/import all connections and groups.
- Improved syntax parsing, supported detection transaction/code block.
- Open Anything supported schema switching.
- [Cockroach] Fixed bug get indexes/foreign keys.
- Improved import CSV Wizard.
Build 114 - General UI/UX improvements, new features.
Release date: 07 Jul 2018.
- Supported custom CSV decimal delimiter.
- Changed the filter button title to Apply All.
- Improved UX when clicking on the linked cell.
- Fixed a bug hide an empty filter.
- [PostgreSQL] Bring back RAISE NOTICE.
- [PostgreSQL]Fixed a bug showing wrong the column name.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed sort columns in table structure.
- [SQL Server] Fixed parsing syntax when statements contain BEGIN TRANSACTION.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug update column default.
Build 113 - Bug fixes, stability improvements and new features.
Release date: 29 Jun 2018.
- General UI improvements.
- [MySQL] Supported dual drivers for MySQL 8 and MySQL 5.
- [PostgreSQL] [SQL Server] Supported precision and scale for numeric.
- [PostgreSQL] Show varchar length in column detail.
- Supported copy selected columns.
- Command + D: duplicate row.
- Auto-focus after row inserted/duplicated.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a crash bug.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a filter bug.
- Fixed a bug showing wrong foreign key.
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements.
Build 112 - Official support MySQL 8 and new features.
Release date: 25 Jun 2018.
- Official support MySQL 8.
- Added support caching sha2 password.
- Supported secured export/import connections.
- [MS SQL] Fixed bug edit view definition.
- [Cassandra] Fixed some bug view TimeUUID.
- Improved Cassandra support with alter column command.
- Fixed a bug export connection URL.
Build 111 - Enhancements.
Release date: 22 Jun 2018.
- [Redis] Supported auth Redis with Password.
- Supported auto-completion for tables having name contains special characters.
- Updated dark theme on Mojave.
- Fixed a crash bug when removing an advanced filter.
- [MySQL] Supported GEOMETRY, JSON.
- [Cassandra] Fixed a bug error message is not showing.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug edit procedure.
- [Redis] Fixed crash when executing a query having quotes.
Build 110 - New features.
Release date: 15 Jun 2018.
- Redesigned the safe mode confirmation popup.
- [Redis] Supported get value with key contains space.
- Fixed a few layout issues on Mojave.
- [SQL Server] Fixed an auto-complete bug.
- Supported suggest function name in auto-completion.
- Improved advanced filters UX.
- Fixed some layout issue in SQL Editor.
- TablePlus now shows primary index.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug drop function/procedure.
- Do not show multiple error popups when disconnected.
- Improved restore/backup windows.
Build 109 - Cassandra + Mojave.
Release date: 8 Jun 2018.
- Fixed a few issues on macOS Mojave.
- Added Cassandra support.
- Improved SSH tunneling.
- [Important] Fixed a bug generate the wrong update statement.
- Added more SQLite extensions.
- Fixed a bug SSH network traffic.
Build 108 - Enhancements.
Release date: 1 Jun 2018.
- Show sequences in Table Definition.
- Added an option allow users to customize favorite/history behavior.
- TablePlus will not swipe text when pressing ESC in advanced filter.
- Fixed a bug auto adding quotes in auto-completion.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug schema not shown.
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug set default value in the table structure.
- [MySQL] Supported auto detect socket.
- Fixed an export CSV/JSON bug.
Build 107 - Enhancements.
Release date: 25 May 2018.
- Improved welcome screen UI.
- Supported row alternating color in the dark theme.
- Added Overview items in left sidebar menu context.
- TablePlus no longer close workspace after disconnected.
- Disabled select current query in structure view/function view and trigger.
- TablePlus no longer deselect row after pressing the tab key.
- Added an option to disable highlight current query.
- Add an option to hide function/recently sections.
- Add an option to hide system schema.
- Improved theme’s colors.
- Fixed a crash bug due to some special characters (Example: Turkey).
- Fixed bug shift-left string in SQL Query.
- Fixed an escaping bug.
- Fixed a bug lost all tabs when reconnecting.
- And many other bug fixes and improvements.
Build 106 - Stability improvements.
Release date: 18 May 2018.
- Support enum type.
- Support customize the toolbar.
- Improved toolbar UI.
- [SQL Server] Show data length in the table structure.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug escape column name.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug get item listing.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug get view definition.
- [SQL Server] Fixed bug create a view.
- Fixed a crash bug in Open Anything.
- Fixed theming bug in backup/restore windows, pre-populate database name.
- Fixed many other minor bugs.
Build 105 - Updated UI, new features added.
Release date: 11 May 2018.
- Column default supported: Sequence, Expression, Constant.
- Added scroller bars for item/favorite/history panel.
- Updated app UI color scheme.
- Improved syntax highlighting.
- Improved auto-completion.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug load foreign key.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug load table’s OID.
- [SQL Server] Fixed a bug query returned the wrong result when there are duplicated fields.
Build 104 - Added trigger support.
Release date: 06 May 2018.
- Added trigger support.
- Supported drag/drop favorite.
- [SQL Server] Show message state/level/line.
- Fixed a bug export JSON.
- Fixed a bug wrong syntax when editing a table index.
- Do not exit fullscreen mode when pressing ESC in SQL Query.
- Do not add an empty filter when pressing Command + F.
- Fixed some other minor issues.
Build 103 - Enhancement.
Release date: 30 Apr 2018.
- Supported SSH keyboard-interactive. (Two-factor authentication,…).
- Added menu “Save As…” in SQL Query, Favorite, History…
- [MySQL] Fixed a bug create auto increment for a column which wasn’t a primary key.
- Fixed sort column ordinal in the table’s structure.
- Fixed a bug reload row detail.
- Fixed a memory leak bug.
- Fixed a bug set filter by clicking on the foreign key link.
- Fixed perfect pixels.
Build 102 - Bug fixes.
Release date: 21 Apr 2018.
- [MySQL] Supported MySQL 8.0.
- [PostgreSQL] Fixed a bug load table structure.
- [SQLite] Fixed a bug load foreign keys.
- Fixed a bug restore saved filters.
- Added Vertica DB driver.
Build 101 - Improved SQL Editor.
Release date: 20 Apr 2018.
- Auto add quote when table/column has
or case sensitive in auto-completion. - 100x faster syntax parsing.
- [SQLite] Supported rtree index.
- [SQLite, SQL Server] Supported edit data directly in SQL Query.
- [SQL Server] Fixed bug beautify SQL.
- Supported show table creation/comment.
- Fixed a bug missing options when creating a foreign key.
- Changed comment code color.
Build 100 - The 100th build.
Release date: 13 Apr 2018.
- Redis official support.
- Enabled “run current” and “split result into tabs” by default.
- Supported save filter states.
- [MySQL] Support procedure.
- [PostgreSQL] Improved parsing function.
- [SQLite] Added encrypted key into connection form.
- [SQL Server] Faster canceling a query.
- [CockroachDB] Improved array serializer.
- Supported export as HTML.
- Fixed a bug when running custom query.
- Fixed a syntax bug when sorting column.
- Refactored title bar.