TablePlus is a modern, native GUI client that provides a SQLite Browser to create, browse, query, edit & manage SQLite DB in a fast and secure way.

  • It’s was built natively for mac, thus it’s fast, lightweight, and reliable.
  • It has an intuitive user interface. It’s simple, clean, and easy to use even for the most novice users.
  • It’s a multi-database management app. Other than SQLite, it also supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, MariaDB, CockroachDB, Vertica, Oracle, Cassandra, and Redis.
  • It’s free. It provides pretty much everything you need at a zero cost. Forever.

Some best practices were built in to help working with SQLite DB easier:

1. A grid-view SQLite browser to browse and edit data table and its structure inline.

A grid-view SQLite Browser to work with table

2. Multiple data filters to quickly see records you want.

Multiple data filters

3. A smart SQL Query Editor with built in syntax highlighting, auto suggestion, split panes…

A smart SQL query editor

4. Multi-tabs, multi-windows view to simultaneously manage different databases.

A multi tabs view

5. History and Favorite with Keyword Binding that quickly inserts the saved queries.

History and Favorite with keyword binding

6. Safe mode & Code review to be informed of the changes you’ve made.

Code review

7. Export & Import to CSV to quickly transport data.

Import CSV to table

And many more….

But that’s enough said. It’s better for you to try the app and see it yourself. It’s free anyway.

Download TablePlus.

TablePlus GUI Tool SQLite in dark mode