In this post, we are gonna see how to concatenate multiple rows into one single text string in MS SQL Server.

You have two tables:

Table products:

item_id item_name
1 Skirt A
2 Skirt B

And table stores:

store_id item_id state_code
1 1 CA
2 1 CO
3 1 AK
4 2 GA
5 2 AZ
6 2 TX

Then you want to return the result where state_code is being concatenated into a strings like this:

item_id item_name state_code
1 Skirt A CA, CO, AK
2 Skirt B GA, AZ, TX
  • In SQL Server 2005, you could use the FOR XML PATH command:
SELECT item_id,
       (STUFF((SELECT CAST(', ' + state_code AS VARCHAR(MAX)) 
         FROM stores
         WHERE (item_id = products.item_id) 
         FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 2, '')) AS state_code
FROM products;
  • In SQL Server 2017+ and SQL Azure, you can concatenate using STRING_AGG:
    STRING_AGG([state_code], ', ') AS state_code

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