When inserting values to a table in MySQL, you might run into this error:

Error Code: 1406. Data too long for column

That error message means you are inserting a value that is greater than the defined maximum size of the column.

The solution to resolve this error is to update the table and change the column size.


We have a simple table employees:

CREATE TABLE employees (
 id int(5),
 full_name varchar(5)

And you insert the first row of data:

INSERT INTO employees
 VALUES(1, 'Alex with an extra long full name, longer than 10');

Since the full_name value is longer than the defined length, MySQL will throw the error Data too long for column. To resolve that, modify the column size:

ALTER TABLE employees 
  MODIFY COLUMN full_name varchar(50);

Another workaround is to disable the STRICT mode, MySQL will automatically truncate any insert values that exceed the specified column width instead of showing the error. The trade-off is, you might not be aware that your data won’t fit and end up losing original data.

To disable the STRICT mode, you can:

  • Edit your MySQL configuration file:

Open your my.ini (Windows) or my.cnf (Unix) file and look for “sql-mode”, and remove the tag STRICT_TRANS_TABLES

  • Or execute this command:
SET @@global.sql_mode= '';

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