If you are looking for a good IDE for SQL, TablePlus is probably the right tool:

  • Native build for Mac and Windows
  • High performance
  • Beautiful design
  • Multiple drivers support
  • Free

Here are some sneak peeks of TablePlus:

A native build

TablePlus was built native for Mac and Windows so it can take advantage of the system elements to deliver the highest performance.

With the built-in native SSH, your database connection is always secure without having to set up an additional SSH client.

TablePlus currently supports multiple SQL database drivers including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, SQL Server, MariaDB, CockroachDB, as well as some No-SQL database drivers: Redis, Cassandra, etc.

New connection

An intuitive GUI

A grid view to work with table data. You can make an edit inline

Table data

And to work with table structure.


Open anything to quickly find and open any searchable database objects: database schema, table, view, function, stored procedure, etc. It uses fuzzy matching so you don’t even have to remember the exact name.

Open anything

Advanced filters to save you a lot of time writing complex queries with lots of conditions.

Advanced Filters

Multiple tabs & workspaces

Multiple tabs

Safemode & Code preview. Every change will be pending for review until you commit it to the server.

Code review

A robust Query Editor

  • Instant autocomplete that suggests as you type
  • Highlight syntax
  • Query beautifier
  • Favourite & history
  • Async loading and streaming results that get you to see the results faster.


Sounds good? Download TablePlus for Mac.

Not on Mac? Download TablePlus for Windows.

On Linux? Download TablePlus for Linux

Need a quick edit on the go? Download TablePlus for iOS